Creating a Client List for Upcoming Reviews with Specific Tags
This article provides a step-by-step guide on how to use the report builder to generate a list of clients with upcoming reviews, filtered by specific tags. This is especially useful when you need to quickly identify all clients with a particular tag, such as "Life cover" or "Category A", who have a review scheduled for this month.
Clients are regarded as due for review if their assigned review month is the current month and their review is due (or will become due in the next 30 days).
Generating the report
- Open the Custom Report Builder (found under the 'Practice' tab).
Build the following sentence:
"Show me tagged clients with tags included where adviser is [adviser] for due for review." - You will be given a list of tags where you can choose one or more tags to include. Clients tagged with one or more of your chosen tags will be included in the report generated (clients do not need to have all the tags to be included in the report).
- Click Build Report to construct the report.