Underwriting Information

Information related to the client's health and medical underwriting is stored in the underwriting tab.

Smoker Select whether the client is a smoker, and if so how much the client smokes.
Alcohol Select whether the client consumes any alcohol, and if so how much the client consumes.
Height The client's height in cm, e.g. 168 cm. The value should not contain a fullstop or comma.
Weight The client's weight in kilograms (e.g. 85).
BMI This field is calculated automatically and cannot be edited manually. If a valid height and weight are entered, the client's Body Mass Index (BMI) will be calculated when saving.
Medical Aid Choose the client's medical aid from the list of options provided. If the client's medical is and open scheme and is not listed, please submit a support ticket for us to add it. If the client is on a closed scheme you can select 'Employer Scheme' or if you'd prefer, you can still submit a ticket for us to add it.
Member number The client's medical scheme membership number.
Preferred doctor The client's preferred doctor or GP name. You enter their first and last name, or initials and last name. E.g, M Johnson or Martin Johnson.
Practice name The preferred doctor's practice's name or location. This can be the name of the practice (E.g. Krugersdorp Medicross) or the location (Lyttleton).
Contact number The contact number for the client's preferred doctor (GP).