Managing Tasks with ClientManager

Creating a new task

To create a new task, click the 'New Task' button in the left sidebar (under 'Shortcuts'). If you prefer, you can also use the shortcut 'Ctrl + Y'. Clicking the button or using the shortcut will open the 'New Task Window'.

In the 'New Task Window' you can give the task a name (the title) and add some details. The description field is not intended for detailed notes, just a short description of the task (the field is also optional). The description field is limited to 200 characters.

Assigned to

Under the 'Assigned to' dropdown you can choose a team member to assign the task to. The task will be added to their list, but they will not be notified via email by default. If you'd like to let them know (e.g. for an urgent task), you can use the 'Share Progress' feature in the task view.

Due date

You can also set a due date for the task. In ClientManager's task management framework, the due date will be date the task is scheduled to be actioned. The due date field is therefore a “follow-up” date field, and can be moved forward and backward as needed during the task's lifetime. If you need to make a note of a final “hard deadline” or due date, it is recommended to add it to the task title. For example, your task title might be 06-12-2022: Send withdrawal form to Mr Johnson.


Team members' tasks for each day will be arranged in priority order. For example, tasks marked urgent will be shown before tasks marked important. Priority flags are recommended to be used as follows:

Recommended priority usage
Flag Recommended use
Urgent Refers to tasks with high urgency. These tasks should be treated as time sensitive and done as soon as possible on the due date.
Important Refers to tasks with lower urgency but high importance.
General Refers to tasks with low urgency but medium- or high- importance.
Optional Refers to suggested or optional low urgency / low importance tasks.

Viewing task details

To view a task's detail you can click on the task in any of the views (Inbox, Today, etc). Clicking the task above will open the detailed task view. The detailed task view will allow you to take various actions on a task and add/view comments.

The task actions section shown above contains various actions you can perform on a task. Mark complete will set the task status to complete and remove it from any active task lists. A task marked 'complete' can be re-opened if needed in future. Link Client will allow you to link the task to a client. It is highly recommended that you link tasks to clients, as this will allow you to store a record of previous client tasks in the client's profile. Tracking task history and having quick access to a client's profile is only possible if a client is linked to a task.

The detail pane provides quick access to the linked client's profile (by clicking the link). It also shows the original creator of the task, along with the task's current state. Any changes to task details such as the title or description should be saved by clicking the 'Save Changes' button in the left-hand.

The field at the bottom of the detail pane allows you to post a comment. You can type your comment in the field and click 'Post comment' to post your comment.

At the bottom of the detailed task view you'll find the comments area. The comments area will contain all previous comments attached to the task. Comments can be short notes like 'sent documents to client', or long notes such as the body of an email pasted into the comments field. The maximum length of a comment is 40,000 characters.