Relationships can be added to indicate a connection between different clients. To add a relationship, both clients must have been added to the CRM. (If you'd like to indicate a relationship with a client not present in the CRM, we recommend adding a general note).
To add a new relationship, simply click '+ Add' in the relationships tab on a client's profile.
If a relationship is a added to one client, the inverse relationship is automatically to the relevant linked client. You only need to add a relationship to one client.
Linked Financial Planners
The financial planner details section allows you to link financial advisers to a client. The linked advisers can be from your own practice, or from another practice.
❗️If you link an adviser from another practice, they will be able to view and edit the linked client. They will not be able to edit the linked advisers, however, meaning they cannot un-link you from the client. Staff in the linked broker's practice will also have access to the client. Please ensure that the client has appropriately consented before adding another broker code.
The adviser name, financial services provider (FSP), and broker house code are not editable fields. These fields are populated automatically when you save, based on the provided broker code. The editable fields are therefore 'Broker Code' and 'Fee Split %'. The Fee Split field can be used to indicate a % fee split arrangement with another adviser. Even if a linked broker has a 0% split, they will still have access to the client profile - so remember to remove their broker code to disallow future access.
Adding a linked planner
In the relationships tab, simply click '+ Add' next to the Linked Planner(s) section. You can enter the planner's broker code as well as the fee split. If you'd like to give a planner access without a fee split, simply add a 0% split.
If an adviser is not a ClientManager user, we recommend letting them sign up for free. The adviser will receive a 30-day free trial whereafter their account will become inactive if they do not take up a subscription. The adviser code can still be used if their subscription is not active.
Otherwise, simply open a support ticket and we'll be happy to assist.